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What it is
Mentoring aims for a formative, innovative and transformative purpose for people and groups.
Integral Mentoring follows the integral approach principles by Sri Aurobindo and makes use of methodological and therapeutic bases:
- Holomentoring,
- "Corpo Inteiro Uma Conquista",
- Somatic Education,
- Therapeutic Touch
For more than 25 years Paola has been dedicating herself to listening to the powers of Life, People and Places, in connection with dreams - daytime dreams and night dreams, as well as individual and collective ones - as an alchemical matter tuned with the Evolved Strength of Consciousness.
Paola has designed Integral Mentoring, School of Dreams and Planting Peace on Earth.
She is also co-creator of Casa de Mim "House of Myself " Therapeutic Program.
- A dreamer since ever - Planet Earth
- Apprentice of Integral Yoga -Sri Aurobindo -(India)
- Degreed in Anthropology at PUCCAMP - (Brazil)
- Holistic Formation at UNIPAZ -(Brazil)
- Master Mentor, Coach & Holomentor at International Coach Federation and HOLOS Institute -(Brazil)
- In her trajectory, stand out the following studies: "Seminars of Dreams-Whole Body - An achievement" with Adriana Ferreira, in Brazil; “Dreams and Body” with Stanley Keleman at Center for Energetic Studies in USA, "Therapeutic Touch” with Dora Kunz and Dolores Krieger in USA, "The Art of Shaman" with Michael Harner and "Complementary Approaches" at Stanford University.
Paola aspires to be a citizen of Auroville, located in the south of India.
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